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Team Spotlight: Walter J Mitchell

Coaches from Walter J Mitchell at the GOTRGC 5K

We are excited to share this spotlight from Coach Elizabeth at Walter J Mitchell Elementary School and why the GOTRGC program is so important to them. 

1. How long have you hosted a GOTR of Greater Chesapeake team?

This is our third season hosting a GOTR team at Mitchell Elementary with the Greater Chesapeake council. This is my seventh season coaching overall.  


2. What drew you to the program to get involved?

As someone who has been running since high school, I know how important it is to incorporate physical activity into your life. As a teacher I saw how some students were struggling with how to deal with their emotions and how to interact with others.  When I learned about this program and saw how it used physical activity to teach social and emotional skills I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of.


3. Why do you think it’s important for girls today to have access to this program?

As the world continues to change, girls are exposed to issues such as bullying, self image, and social media. I find it important to teach the skills necessary to handle whatever comes their way. Girls learn confidence in who they are, set a goal and learn how to work towards it. 


4. How have you seen the program impact the participants on your team?

The joy and excitement of each girl crossing the finish line at the Celebration 5K, knowing how hard each one had to work through the season to get there. The girls have also expanded their circle and created relationships with other girls who they may not have ever interacted with previously.


5. What are some fun facts about your coaches?

All of the coaches this season played a team sport when they were younger (hockey, soccer, cheerleading). We also enjoy cooking and baking. 



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About Council

We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

Girls on the Run International Post